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Get New Blog Posts Via Email
Submit your high-quality, original articles for more exposure,
credibility and traffic back to your website.

Happy Holidays 2012 from EzineArticles!

The EzineArticles Team wishes for you a safe and happy holiday!

Happy Holidays!

The Twelve Days of Poor Grammar

Starring the EzineArticles Carolers!
Celebrate the true spirit of article writing, language, and good grammar by checking out the “The Twelve Days of Poor Grammar” lyrics below the video and sing along!
Downloadable Versions:
WMV Format     MOV Format     MV4 Format     MP3 Format
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EzineArticles Asks: What Is Better in Anchor Text?

The Heated Discussion Over Anchor Text
One of the key benefits to article writing is exposure and traffic. How is this achieved? Two words:
Give” and “Take
After “giving” quality, informative benefits to the reader in the article body, Expert Authors “take” by including a signature or Resource Box that provides a brand-oriented message, a succinct call-to-action, and links for the reader to visit the author’s website or blog.
Successful Article Writing Focuses on the Reader, Not SEO
We focus a lot on “give” here in the blog, because it’s tremendously critical to your success. If readers don’t benefit from your “give,” then you’re not going to be able to “take.”
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Ian Hollander on Why Creative Content Wins Over SEO

Do you agree with Ian’s view on creative content and contrived content?
It’s rare to find an article discussing SEO that’s still relevant 5+ years after its publication. When Expert Author Ian Hollander’s article “Writing Articles For SEO – The Silly Simple Reason It DOESN’T Work (And Increase Your CTR by 200%)” appeared in my search, I have to admit I was skeptical, but I was also intrigued.
Let’s take a walk through the main points of Ian’s article.
  • “Creative content is obviously ANYTHING that gets your message out in a way that engages, entertains, inspires, enlightens or encourages people to want to know more about you, and what you love to do (your services, your coaching, your recommended resources, etc.) … Creative content … is written with PASSION and purpose and a sense of personal power about your niche, your industry, your market and what you LOVE to discuss. It has no focus on keywords or algorithms or any silly strategy at all.”
We couldn’t agree more. Creative, custom content attracts followers and LEADS because it’s driven with a passionate force: you.
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Are Your Resource Box Links Transparent and Relevant?

Increasing Your Success
We recently discussed 7 tips to increase your click rate and how several elements of your article and Resource Box play an enormous role in satisfying your reader’s needs. In return, satisfied readers will give you power to build a solid platform of success. Let’s take a closer look into a healthy Resource Box and how you can naturally encourage your readers to visit your blog or website with clear, relevant, and concise language in concert with your links.
4 Key Elements to Bear in Mind
When you write, you not only write to inform in your article, but you also provide further value and relevance within your Resource Box and on your links to your blog or website. Be sure to blend these four key ingredients well and you’ll have a recipe for article success.
Brand: The topic you write about and how you showcase your expertise is a direct reflection on you as an Expert Author and your personal or professional brand. You’re the expert, so give your readers the information they want and need by providing your original insights. Be transparent in your Resource Box and website by ensuring your brand carries through your submission to your website.
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Planning an Annual Editorial Calendar

To run a marathon, run one step at a time. To write an article, write one word at a time.
Fired by our passions to do well and achieve, we rush to get started – running two, three steps at a time – only to trip and fall hard. Slightly dazed, we’ll look around and ask ourselves: “What happened?!”
Slow down! Take your time to plan and organize before you begin in order to take one assured step at a time. One tremendously successful method to plan your writing efforts to create an annual Editorial Calendar.
By keeping an annual Editorial Calendar, you can easily keep track of your monthly, weekly, and daily activity throughout the year. This allows you to track your overall article goals, plan the number of articles you want to write, make sure your social media efforts stay on track, and even pre-plan for holidays and other news-worthy events (e.g., presidential elections, award shows, etc.). In turn, you will always be ready to provide the content your audience wants when they’re craving it.
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Looking Back Article Template

Shared Events Attract Attention
Humans generally aren’t classified as “lone wolves.” We like to connect, interact, share, and simply be together. Think of big events that happen – whether it’s something tragic, something political, something environmental, or even something joyful – we talk, we protest, we advocate … we do.
Taking a look back reminds us of our shared history, experiences, and discoveries. Whether it’s nostalgic or the desire to do bigger, better things in our lives and business, it provides us with a foundation to look to our future. That’s why writing a Looking Back article is a great way to connect with your audience and increase engagement.
The Looking Back Article Template
First, make a list of great, shared events that have occurred in your niche or events that have influenced your niche. Select the top 5-7 events that had the greatest impact on your niche. Did these events have a common element? Did one event cause another event? Next, write an article connecting these events together in a concise format for your readers using the following template:
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How to Use Traffic Search Terms to Brainstorm NEW Articles

What Are Traffic Search Terms?
Traffic Search Terms are the actual terms or keywords readers used in their search query to find your published articles.
When used naturally, your Traffic Search Terms can help you brainstorm new article titles based on your audience’s current interests and needs. They will also improve your ability to be found on search engines and increase your click rate.
How Do You Get Them?
Log into your account and select the Performance tab. This will automatically open to your overall Traffic page (also available on the Performance tab’s left-navigation menu). In the Article Performance Grid, select the hyper linked Views number of an article. This will take you to the article’s Traffic performance page where you will see the Article Performance Totals and Article Performance Chart, as well as the Traffic Search Term Grid.
WARNING: Handle with Care!
Bear the following tips in mind when using your Traffic Search Terms:
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Top 10 Quality Measures to Increase Article Success

Let Quality Be Your Guide
We’re not going to mince words here. Ensure you have these quality control measures in your article writing lineup to provide a quality reader experience or you may find yourself and your efforts left in the dust.
1. Proofread and Edit
Spelling and grammatical errors in social media or email may be considered a forgivable offense, but in your articles – no way. Employ a draft system:
  • Draft 1: Brainstorm and outline topic.
  • Draft 2: Write with wild abandon.
  • Draft 3: Mercilessly edit, tighten, and polish.
2. Tell, Not Sell
The title, summary, and article body aren’t the places to describe the goods and services your business provides – even if you don’t name your business within the content, alluding to it is a no-no. Not only will you run out of article topics fast, you’ll be rejected by readers. Provide non-promotional, informative articles for the good of your audience 100% of the time.
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7 Tips to Increase Your Click Rate

What gets the click?
Yesterday, we discussed analyzing your articles’ traffic and activity metrics, which briefly touched on your Total Click Rate. This is the total ratio of URL clicks to article views in a given amount of time and it’s a key indicator of your connection with your audience as well as your ability to drive traffic to your website or blog.
There are tons of factors that affect your click rate, but one of the most critical (if not THE most critical) factors is your ability to project a meaningful message that resonates with your readers.
Have you ever heard the phrase “tell, not sell”?
No one likes to be sold to, nor are they inclined to share or read a piece that doesn’t serve their purposes. No matter the quality of the writing, readers want to feel like they have gained knowledge, skills, or confidence. “Tell” readers what they want and need to know to satisfy their need to grow more confidently and trust in your credibility.
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Monday 24 December 2012

ezine articles

Submit your high-quality, original articles for more exposure,
credibility and traffic back to your website.

Happy Holidays 2012 from EzineArticles!

The EzineArticles Team wishes for you a safe and happy holiday!

Happy Holidays!

The Twelve Days of Poor Grammar

Starring the EzineArticles Carolers!
Celebrate the true spirit of article writing, language, and good grammar by checking out the “The Twelve Days of Poor Grammar” lyrics below the video and sing along!
Downloadable Versions:
WMV Format     MOV Format     MV4 Format     MP3 Format
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EzineArticles Asks: What Is Better in Anchor Text?

The Heated Discussion Over Anchor Text
One of the key benefits to article writing is exposure and traffic. How is this achieved? Two words:
Give” and “Take
After “giving” quality, informative benefits to the reader in the article body, Expert Authors “take” by including a signature or Resource Box that provides a brand-oriented message, a succinct call-to-action, and links for the reader to visit the author’s website or blog.
Successful Article Writing Focuses on the Reader, Not SEO
We focus a lot on “give” here in the blog, because it’s tremendously critical to your success. If readers don’t benefit from your “give,” then you’re not going to be able to “take.”
(Continue Reading…)

Ian Hollander on Why Creative Content Wins Over SEO

Do you agree with Ian’s view on creative content and contrived content?
It’s rare to find an article discussing SEO that’s still relevant 5+ years after its publication. When Expert Author Ian Hollander’s article “Writing Articles For SEO – The Silly Simple Reason It DOESN’T Work (And Increase Your CTR by 200%)” appeared in my search, I have to admit I was skeptical, but I was also intrigued.
Let’s take a walk through the main points of Ian’s article.
  • “Creative content is obviously ANYTHING that gets your message out in a way that engages, entertains, inspires, enlightens or encourages people to want to know more about you, and what you love to do (your services, your coaching, your recommended resources, etc.) … Creative content … is written with PASSION and purpose and a sense of personal power about your niche, your industry, your market and what you LOVE to discuss. It has no focus on keywords or algorithms or any silly strategy at all.”
We couldn’t agree more. Creative, custom content attracts followers and LEADS because it’s driven with a passionate force: you.
(Continue Reading…)

Are Your Resource Box Links Transparent and Relevant?

Increasing Your Success
We recently discussed 7 tips to increase your click rate and how several elements of your article and Resource Box play an enormous role in satisfying your reader’s needs. In return, satisfied readers will give you power to build a solid platform of success. Let’s take a closer look into a healthy Resource Box and how you can naturally encourage your readers to visit your blog or website with clear, relevant, and concise language in concert with your links.
4 Key Elements to Bear in Mind
When you write, you not only write to inform in your article, but you also provide further value and relevance within your Resource Box and on your links to your blog or website. Be sure to blend these four key ingredients well and you’ll have a recipe for article success.
Brand: The topic you write about and how you showcase your expertise is a direct reflection on you as an Expert Author and your personal or professional brand. You’re the expert, so give your readers the information they want and need by providing your original insights. Be transparent in your Resource Box and website by ensuring your brand carries through your submission to your website.
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Planning an Annual Editorial Calendar

To run a marathon, run one step at a time. To write an article, write one word at a time.
Fired by our passions to do well and achieve, we rush to get started – running two, three steps at a time – only to trip and fall hard. Slightly dazed, we’ll look around and ask ourselves: “What happened?!”
Slow down! Take your time to plan and organize before you begin in order to take one assured step at a time. One tremendously successful method to plan your writing efforts to create an annual Editorial Calendar.
By keeping an annual Editorial Calendar, you can easily keep track of your monthly, weekly, and daily activity throughout the year. This allows you to track your overall article goals, plan the number of articles you want to write, make sure your social media efforts stay on track, and even pre-plan for holidays and other news-worthy events (e.g., presidential elections, award shows, etc.). In turn, you will always be ready to provide the content your audience wants when they’re craving it.
(Continue Reading…)

Looking Back Article Template

Shared Events Attract Attention
Humans generally aren’t classified as “lone wolves.” We like to connect, interact, share, and simply be together. Think of big events that happen – whether it’s something tragic, something political, something environmental, or even something joyful – we talk, we protest, we advocate … we do.
Taking a look back reminds us of our shared history, experiences, and discoveries. Whether it’s nostalgic or the desire to do bigger, better things in our lives and business, it provides us with a foundation to look to our future. That’s why writing a Looking Back article is a great way to connect with your audience and increase engagement.
The Looking Back Article Template
First, make a list of great, shared events that have occurred in your niche or events that have influenced your niche. Select the top 5-7 events that had the greatest impact on your niche. Did these events have a common element? Did one event cause another event? Next, write an article connecting these events together in a concise format for your readers using the following template:
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How to Use Traffic Search Terms to Brainstorm NEW Articles

What Are Traffic Search Terms?
Traffic Search Terms are the actual terms or keywords readers used in their search query to find your published articles.
When used naturally, your Traffic Search Terms can help you brainstorm new article titles based on your audience’s current interests and needs. They will also improve your ability to be found on search engines and increase your click rate.
How Do You Get Them?
Log into your account and select the Performance tab. This will automatically open to your overall Traffic page (also available on the Performance tab’s left-navigation menu). In the Article Performance Grid, select the hyper linked Views number of an article. This will take you to the article’s Traffic performance page where you will see the Article Performance Totals and Article Performance Chart, as well as the Traffic Search Term Grid.
WARNING: Handle with Care!
Bear the following tips in mind when using your Traffic Search Terms:
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Top 10 Quality Measures to Increase Article Success

Let Quality Be Your Guide
We’re not going to mince words here. Ensure you have these quality control measures in your article writing lineup to provide a quality reader experience or you may find yourself and your efforts left in the dust.
1. Proofread and Edit
Spelling and grammatical errors in social media or email may be considered a forgivable offense, but in your articles – no way. Employ a draft system:
  • Draft 1: Brainstorm and outline topic.
  • Draft 2: Write with wild abandon.
  • Draft 3: Mercilessly edit, tighten, and polish.
2. Tell, Not Sell
The title, summary, and article body aren’t the places to describe the goods and services your business provides – even if you don’t name your business within the content, alluding to it is a no-no. Not only will you run out of article topics fast, you’ll be rejected by readers. Provide non-promotional, informative articles for the good of your audience 100% of the time.
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7 Tips to Increase Your Click Rate

What gets the click?
Yesterday, we discussed analyzing your articles’ traffic and activity metrics, which briefly touched on your Total Click Rate. This is the total ratio of URL clicks to article views in a given amount of time and it’s a key indicator of your connection with your audience as well as your ability to drive traffic to your website or blog.
There are tons of factors that affect your click rate, but one of the most critical (if not THE most critical) factors is your ability to project a meaningful message that resonates with your readers.
Have you ever heard the phrase “tell, not sell”?
No one likes to be sold to, nor are they inclined to share or read a piece that doesn’t serve their purposes. No matter the quality of the writing, readers want to feel like they have gained knowledge, skills, or confidence. “Tell” readers what they want and need to know to satisfy their need to grow more confidently and trust in your credibility.
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